Monday, December 6, 2010

Dec 6th

We took the bus to Zihua and had a great breakfast at a place called Bananas - first breakfast out here. Afterwards, took the bus to Ixtapa but for us it's too much like Honolulu so we just walked the length of the beach then hopped back on the bus back to Zihua.

The best thing about today was watching turtles (tortugas) being released after hatching to the ocean.  Would loved to have had Molly here to see this with us.

After watching, and almost crying seeing these defenseless creatures making their way to the ocean, we were back at the hacienda for a quick clean up and then to Jungle Pizza for a quick dinner. 

While at JP we got to chatting with our waiter and it would appear that we will meeting him and his wife and 4 year old son tomorrow, and they will take us to Barra de Potosi.  Looking forward to that.

More tomorrow.

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