Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dec 4th

Up at 9:30 – had our usual fare for breakfast then went for our morning beach walk.  Again another beautiful sunny day but there is a nice little breeze on the beach  for a change – once you get away from the water the temp. and humidity goes up.

We hung out with Dwayne and Patty until they had to get their taxi to the airport – sad to see them go as they are really nice people and very easy to be around – so now we have the hotel to ourselves.

Spent the remainder of the afternoon at the pool.

We took the bus into centro for dinner - ended up at a restaurant called Daniels - had wonderful mahi mahi poached in a banana leaf - was very yummy (see pic below)

It really is a small world - we ran into a couple that live in Cordova Bay in the same area I grew up - they also own a lot of property in Central Saanich and know many people that we do.

Saturday night in Mexico is party night so the little town of Zihua was full of people out and about - lots of couples and families until late in the evening.

Zihua is a really lovely town - cleaner than just about anywhere else we have been and they are continuing to improve the streets and sidewalks.

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