Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 11th

We are now winding down to our last few days here in Zihua and can't believe we have been here for almost 2 weeks.

We had an early morning then hiked along the beach and then up the hill to Playa Madera and had breakfast at a great little place "Las Margueritas". Had a stop to make for a couple of Christmas purchases in centro then we walked to the big grocery store for some more wine (what else).  Spent the remainder of the day at our little hacienda at the pool and then did the same walk all over again just before dinner time - in the heat it's no so easy. 

Went to a cliffside restaurant called Il Mare for a sunset cocktail (that's all we could afford - the pork chop special was 380 pesos (about $38).

Then it was back on the road to Rufo's grill (much better price) for dinner, plus the music was really good (as was the food).

After dinner we walked into centro and watched all the people milling around - this is the weekend the Mexicans celebrate the Virgin Guadaloupe and with it comes lots of fireworks - some you can see and some you can only hear (liken it to gunshots).

We needed to finish our terribly strenuous day at Daniels Restaurant for, what I still say, are the best Margueritas in town.

So I will finish with more sunset pictures of which may bore you but I have a need to take them.

Also, I need to mention, having been in New York at Christmas time this could be the second best place to be at this time of the year.  Lights and Christmas trees and decorations everywhere.

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