Saturday, December 18, 2010

Dec 16th On route to Lo de Marcos

We got up and packed up all the gear - had a nice breakfast at the hotel then got a cab to the bus depot in Zopopan (there are 3 of them).  The concierge at the hotel gave EXPLICIT instructions to which station we were to be taken - see where I'm going with this?  The cab driver spoke not a word of english and I speak spanglish - I finally understood that he was asking me which bus line we were taking - Vallarta Plus!  We arrive at station #1 and we go in to pay as the concierge had made us reservations.  No, no they say across the street - so we drag our 2 suitcases and carryons and purchases to the next depot - no, no, across the street - so now I'm getting pissed off as we don't really have any idea what the time is and I thought it was getting near the time the bus was to leave.  So we haul our s--t across another street that is 3 lanes of traffic each was - Tom says to me F It - just go!  So we off we went and third time lucky and further luck was there was someone there who spoke great english and we were in lots of time for the bus.

Again we get the complimentary white bread ham and cheese sandwich, cookie and bottled water.  The trip itself only took about 4 hours - which was faster than expected.  Comfortable ride and again spanish movies and the bus was completely full - we of course the only gringos.  It seems lots of people are travelling to see families for Christmas.

We covered some lovely terrain - rolling hills, fields of agave, jungle areas and quite a bit of farmland.  Didn't take any pictures on this portion of the trip.

We arrived in La Penita and made a quick beer, vodka, juice & water stop before jumping into a cab to Lo de Marcos.  Will post pictures of this cute little place next time. 

Our cab ride was good until we came to some road work - during the storms in September 5 bridges were washed out between here and Puerto Vallarta.  The locals are used to the construction and you can wait 15 - 30 minutes.  The driver turned the car off so Tom went a grabbed a couple of cold cervezas from the trunk and we just waited it out.

Our friend Sheri, has kindly let us hang out at her small house for the next few days until we head to Guayabitos to get ready for Christmas.

Looking forward to the kids arrival and going with Molly to pick out a pinata and watching her give the little local kids small presents - will be a Christmas to remember.

Leugo for now - will put pics up tomorrow.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dec 15th Tonala Guadalajara

so a bit about our hotel.  It is the Guadalajara Plaza Expo a business class hotel.  When we arrived we were quite impressed by the size, appearance and the valet parking guys at the front entrance.  We were checked in quickly - once we go up to the 1st floor where our room was located we thought, yes a bit older looking but smells clean.  The room itself was pretty decent, and we were only paying $56 CDN a night but once you got into the bathroom I actually had to laugh - so small you couldn't swing a cat - poor Tom said he had to hang onto the handicap rail in the bathtub because it has such a bad lean to it.  Ok that's it for the hotel.
We got a good start to the morning as our main purpose for being here was for shopping.  We started with a real Starbucks coffee then took a cab to Tonala - the shopping mecca of Guadalajara.  Every street had shops selling everything from metal works, pottery, furniture, jewellery - you name it.  It didn't matter where you looked there was stuff to buy everywhere.  This in itself overwhelms me and I don't know where to start - also if you see something you should buy it because if you come back for it you won't remember where the heck you saw it - becomes a big blur.

We found the town square - which every town in Mexico has - and found more police, firemen, and paramedics everywhere just standing around (yes they were armed with heavy artillery aka machine guns).  There was a tent with a huge video screen and many chairs set up - the big politico was giving his year end report - so I guess all the policia etc were there in case what he had to say the people didn't like - could be a revolution.  There was even police on the rooftops of all the buildings surrounding the square watching the goings on with binoculars.  Made us feel a bit weird as we were the only gringos to be found in this sea of people - but it was okie dokie but I didn't want to take pictures just in case.

We wandered the area of Tonala for a couple of hours and did purchase a few things but nothing major.  Stopped for a light lunch then caught a bus to Guadalajara centro historico - the best way to see things you wouldn't normally see on a tour and all for 10 pesos each.

Metal works shop

Glass blowers - note the lack of protective equipment

Tonala Cathedral all dressed up for Christmas

Coca Cola sponsored Christmas Tree

OMG - Guadalajara is dressed up for Christmas New York style (only mexican).  There are Christmas trees, street lights, buildings with decorations and more pictures with Santa kiosks than you can shake a stick at.

Poinsettia Tree

Nativity Scene

Picutres with Santa

We did some walking around to see all the decorations during the day then decided to come back for dinner when we could see them in the dark.  Before heading back to the hotel we stopped for a beer at the Bullfighter Bar that we had visited 2 years ago - it hadn't changed.

Bullfighter Bar with tons of old bullfight memorabilia around

Got our cab and he did really well until, when we were nearing our hotel he needed to stop and ask for directions - gotta love it.

Quick cleanup then back to centro to a restaurant that was highly recommened by our bellboy - again the taxi driver needed to ask directions.  When we finally arrived at the restaurant we soon discovered this was the same restaurant (Fonda San Miguel) we had dinner at 2 years ago - how funny.  This building is about 400 years old and used to be a monastery and is really lovely and is now also a museum.

Fountain at Fonda San Miguel

We finished a lovely dinner then we wandered back into some of the plazas to see the Christmas lights at night.  We came across a band of young guys playing Christmas carols with homemade instruments - amazing how good they sounded.  A nightcap was in order then back to the hotel - what a great day.

Homemade band instruments

Building light display

Lights over the street

Bad picture of lighted building in plaza

Cutest clown in Guadalajara

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Dec 14th

We were sad to leave our little piece of paradise at Arecas - our hosts, Pepe and Terry, were wonderful and made us feel at home.

Pepe went out to the main road to find us a cab, and as per usual, when you want one there aren't any so we had to wait for a bit until finally one arrived.

Once at the bus depot things went quite smoothly and we got on our bus and were headed to Guadalajara.

We passed some very interesting terrain and small villages. 

Please excuse some of the next photos - taken on the bus while moving so not the best quality.

Zihua Bus Station

Mexican Cemetary - all decorated up for Christmas

Pottery Sales

Auto parts sales

Furniture sales roadside

Cactus on the hillside

Local Women

Typical housing

Unidentified body of water

Unattended fire on the hillside - very common

We felt, at some points, that we were transported to a village somewhere in Peru, seeing all the women in their native garb.

We also found it quite interesting that one neighbourhood would sell furniture, another would sell pottery, and there would be one after the other - not mixed up so there would be a variety - just one store after the other selling the same thing.

Also, the cemetaries - every single one the same - all with foil garlands and plastic poinsettias - all decked out for the holidays.

We finally arrived, after 8 hours to Guadalajara, and were able to negotiate a taxi to our hotel which is a bit further away from centro than we would like, but it's clean, quiet and quite comfortable.

By the time we finally we got settled it was after 9:00pm so we just went to the hotel restaurant and had a light meal then it was to bed - tomorrow is shopping day at Tonala and we need all of our strenght.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec 13th

It's with much reluctance that I am posting my last blog message from Zihua.  I can't even begin to describe how much we have enjoyed being here.

Today began as usual - we did our beach walk and then UP the big hill to the main street - then we go DOWN the hill to Madera.

We had a nice little breakfast at Salvadors - after that we walked back along the beach as far as the Hotel Irma.  UP hill again.

We stopped in at our cuarto at Arecas then headed back to Las Gatas one more time.....OVER the rocks this time in flips.  For the second time we saw one of 50 crocodiles in the estuary.

Had a nice last day at our favourite beach  and our last shrimp cocktail then it was back OVER the rocks to our hotel.  Quick cleanup and a cocktail then we were off to centro.

Had our last favourite margaritas at Daniels and then possibly one of the best meals we have ever had at a new restaurant called Agave.  Can't even begin to describe the fiesta in my mouth - the food was first class.

A glass of wine before we tuck in for the night - adios Zihuatenajo for now - we will be back.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dec 12th

Only one more full day here but am looking forward to getting to Guayabitos and only 10 more sleeps until the family arrives and we will have a great Christmas in Mexico.

We did our beach walk and uphill (again) to Playa Madera - wanted to find a place to get some pictures copied for the fellow that took us to Barra de Potosi - being a religious holiday many places were closed but were able to accomplish what we sought out to do.

On our way back we saw vendors on the roadside selling pinatas and poinsettias - we have been watching them for the last few days and finally got to stop to take pictures.

Have to go back to see if the molds they use stay in the pinata but they are made of clay so at this point not sure how the whole process works.

Made the trek over the rocks to Las Gatas, which will probably be my favourite beach of all time, and spent the afternoon there - but then of course, you need to make the trek back over the rocks to get home - all in all takes us about 20 minutes.

Had a great dinner at la Hija del Capitan (The Captains Daughter) then back to Daniels for a nightcap.

Another good day in paradise.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dec 11th

We are now winding down to our last few days here in Zihua and can't believe we have been here for almost 2 weeks.

We had an early morning then hiked along the beach and then up the hill to Playa Madera and had breakfast at a great little place "Las Margueritas". Had a stop to make for a couple of Christmas purchases in centro then we walked to the big grocery store for some more wine (what else).  Spent the remainder of the day at our little hacienda at the pool and then did the same walk all over again just before dinner time - in the heat it's no so easy. 

Went to a cliffside restaurant called Il Mare for a sunset cocktail (that's all we could afford - the pork chop special was 380 pesos (about $38).

Then it was back on the road to Rufo's grill (much better price) for dinner, plus the music was really good (as was the food).

After dinner we walked into centro and watched all the people milling around - this is the weekend the Mexicans celebrate the Virgin Guadaloupe and with it comes lots of fireworks - some you can see and some you can only hear (liken it to gunshots).

We needed to finish our terribly strenuous day at Daniels Restaurant for, what I still say, are the best Margueritas in town.

So I will finish with more sunset pictures of which may bore you but I have a need to take them.

Also, I need to mention, having been in New York at Christmas time this could be the second best place to be at this time of the year.  Lights and Christmas trees and decorations everywhere.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Dec 10th

I apologize if I have posted these pictures before but I went back to my first blog page and it would appear I didn't complete all the steps to post my pictures - so here are some of the ones when we first arrived.

Dec 10th

I keep thinking that I should be putting more on this dang blog that I started but when all you do is get up, have breakfast, walk to the beach and spend 4 or 5 hours there then walk home again - seems pretty boring.

What I will say is we have really enjoyed our time here in Zihua and have met some really nice and interesting people from all over the place.

The other thing that is interesting is Dec. 12th is some special day that has something to do with the virgin Guadaloupe so over the past week or so you can here the booming of some sort of fireworks and there have been these sporadic processions down the main street of Zihua.  The florist shops are busy making very elaborate floral arrangements for Dec. 12 and for the Christmas season.

We have had lots of interesting experiences, like the turtles, that we have never had before.

Yesterday, after we came back from Las Gatas via the panga into centro, we stopped at Daniels Restaurant for, what I think is the best marguerita in town, I saw a family of 4 generations come in and sit at a table near us on the beach.  I was thinking how cool it was to see great grandmother, grandmother, daughter and granddaughter all together in this lovely setting.  It was only a few minutes later you could hear a blood curdling scream and all the people that worked in the restaurant running - it turned out that the daughter of this group had an epileptic seizure in the bathroom.  I looked over to their table and the only person sitting there was the great grandmother so I went and spoke to her.  She was visibly shaken and very concerned about her granddaughter - we chatted for a few minutes and in that time I learned that she was 92 years old - the same age as my own mother - but she was beautifully dressed and sharp as a tack.  It was just one of those experiences that don't come along very often.