Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day One cont'd

So at the end of the day we didn't get to Venice Beach - too chilly (yes you heard me right) so we chilled at the BW and then went for, what else but a Mexican dinner at Casa Gamino just a half block from the hotel.

With any luck I can start posting pictures tomorrow.

Day 1

I find it hard to believe that you can be 36,000 feet in the air and can access the internet, catch up with friends on facebook and start a blog.  The blog part is still amazing me - a couple of years ago I don't think I even knew that term existed and more recently I thought "why would I read let alone write a blog".  I guess I am progressing.  I always felt I had a budding author inside me and this is the perfect way for me test out my hidden talents - but I will let you all be the judge.

So here we are on Day 1 - probably the least exciting as it has been primarily at the airports and in the air.  The one thing I will say is it's great to have my computer along for the ride as it certainly takes the boredom factor out of the equation.

At this moment we are enroute to LA where we will layover for the night.  We are hoping to get to Venice Beach after we land to spend some time and if we are smart (jury is still out on that one) we will take it easy and turn in at a decent hour but fortunately our flight tomorrow doesn't leave until 10am but it is LAX afterall.

Have arrived at our home for tonight - been here 10 mins. and Tom is already scoping out the pool.  It's currently quite warm - probably about 15 or 18 degrees.